Friday, July 12, 2013

What we dont realize about the Zimmerman Trail

So I know most people will judge me before reading the whole post but I'm gonna ask that you read the entire article before you make your opinion about mine. So in my eyes Zimmerman should go to jail but lets focus on the real situation and not what people want it to be. The media has turned the trail of one mans mistakes into an entire movement. We focus on the difference in race and the irrelevant bad doings of this young man before he was killed instead of focusing on the main fact. A man shot another man who was unarmed. 
At the end of the day this man made a mistake and he should pay for it. The family of Trayvon should want and receive justice for their loss. The attention that the family and all other black activist have brought to this trail in my eyes is ruining their hopes of justice. It is 2013 and the only thing we can seem to think and constantly say is that a black young man was shot and killed by a "white man". 
We have to learn eventually that the race card has to end. Any situation involving any race lighter than ours always boils down to our difference as people at the end of the day. We don't realize how much damage we are doing without paying attention to the actual facts. I really hope people will listen and understand that as a race we cant move forward if we don't let go of the past. The past that half of the people out here who are preaching for the know nothing about. 
I hope this ends with justice for this family and we as a race learn from this.

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